I visited — together with Nino Casciaro, RETE president, and, as a kind guide Chistiane Costa, director of the Food security sector of the Instituto Pólis — the Centro de Referencia de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional do Butantã – CRSANS-BT [Reference Center for Food and Nutrition Security of the B. neighbourhood]. The Centre is placed at the margin of a shantytown (favela), encircled and threatened by middle-upper class blocks of flats.
The striking contrast.
The Centre promotes the organization and the well-being of the favela inhabitants, doing various activities, with a focus on food. The Centre’s objective is to “formulate and implement a regional policy of sustainable food and nutrition security, by local fair development and citizen participation”. The Centre is promoted by the Instituto Polis, in partnership with many governmental and non-governmental organizations.
Foreground: the CRSANS-BT garden; background: the building.