Since 2008 I have struggled to find ways to support the piracui producers of Prainha, Pará, Brasil. I spent the past August in the Amazon region. So, I decided to visit them….
Photography as a source for history now online
Luca FANELLI, La fotografia come fonte storica, «I viaggi di Erodoto», v. 40, 1999. Questo articolo si pone a chiusura di una serie di testi che affrontarono, non direttamente, ma con una…
A winning team (to) find a job
Yes, finally, we made it: on February 2nd, four participants of the project Lavoro di squadra (Teamwork), Adrian, Davide, Marco and Vlad, started working in a large company in Turin. With a six-month internship, with grit and great…
Under the threshold. We settle it now
I wait for Mrs Maria (we will use this fictitious name out of respect for her privacy) in a room of the Levi Library, a beautiful and welcoming space in the heart…
Economic education: some guidelines
Lavorando per ActionAid in Piemonte e confrontandomi con le realtà del terzo settore, soprattutto torinesi, la difficoltà nella gestione del bilancio personale e famigliare emerge come fattore che mina la resilienza delle…
The triple helix and the humanist vocation
The concept of triple helix, in “The Capitalization of Knowledge“, is well conceptualized for technological fields, but not for the humanities. Institution and (social) services are less relevant in this analysis. However,…
Two pennies to have a dance
The International Association AREIA (Audio-archive of Migrations between Europe and Latin America, based at the Department of Antiquities, Philosophy, History of the University of Genoa) has recently produced the exhibition Overcome Themselves….
Transparency and human rights
Presented at the 10° Nexa Lunch Seminar – Transparency Decree: a FOIA or “just” Open Data?. It is maybe difficult, at the first glimpse, to draw a strong link between transparency and…
Luzia Fati’s memory
In order to honour the memory of an upright person, Luzia Fati, who died in March 2013, I put here the whole interview she gave me in April 2007, in Santarém (Pará,…
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