Title | Date f | Important? |
Dal ‘Reddito di Inclusione’ al ‘Reddito di Cittadinanza’: quali strategie contro la povertà? Napoli, 29/03/2019 Presentation of the preliminary results of the research about the minimum income scheme Reddito di Inclusione | 29/03/2019 | ** |
Dallas, TX (USA) - March 27-29, 2003 Paper: The Concept of Sem Terra and the Peasantry in Brazil, published in the Journal of Developing Societies, Vol. 19, No. 2-3, 334-364 (2003). | 27/03/2003 | *** |
Torino (Italia) - 23-27 ottobre 2008 Visit the Tamuá blog to know more about my participation in this event. | 23/10/2008 | *** |
Cuiabá (Mato Grosso, Brasil) - 22-23 maio 2010 Oficina de Intercâmbio Tecnológico de Meliponicultura entre Comunidades Produtivas, Pesquisadores e Organizações da Sociedade Civil: sistemas de produção, conservação e regulamentação do mel de abelhas nativas; organized by Instituto Sociedade, População e Natureza. I presented the the Lower Amazon situation, and invited a representative from the Coroca producer association and from the Leste de Minas Gerais region. More information here. Participation certificate. | 23/05/2010 | ** |
Diagnóstico rural participativo da produção, do beneficiamento e comercialização da polpa dos frutos Instituto de Botânica - IBT - 21/06/2010 Instituto Socioambiental - ISA | 21/06/2010 | * |
Johannesburg (South Africa) - March 19 to 22, 2013 I participated as a representative of the Italian Local Right Programmes. | 19/03/2013 | ** |
Registro (SP), Brazil - http://www.physis.org.br/spvr In the IV Ribeira Valley Research Seminary I presented two poster, one about landraces (download it, in Portuguese ), the other one about juçara palm (Euterpe Edulis) (download it, in Portuguese). During the Seminary I attended the debate about the challenges and the best practices of research in traditional communities. View the Seminary certificate. | 16/09/2010 | * |
Araras (SP), Brazil - 13-16/10/2010 I went to the I Meeting of Agroecology of the S. Paulo state with two quilombola (afro-descendant) young boys. During the Meeting, I organized a workshop about landraces. View the Meeting certificate. View the presentation for the workshop (in Portuguese). | 13/10/2010 | ** |
Viçosa, MG (Brazil) - 13-15 Oct. 2009 The Associação Brasileira de Agroecologia, in partnership with the Associação Nacional de Agroecologia and the University of Viçosa organized the event. In this meeting some agroecological experiences was presented. I participate with a poster (in Portuguese) about the seeds fair of quilombola villages (see more about the fair here). | 13/10/2009 | * |
Perugia (Italy) - 5th-12th of May 2015 Participation to the panel Faces and images of the Americas: between genocide and ethnic ransom with the lecture A disputed heritage. The identification and differentiation process of the Quilombola communities in the Ribeira Valley (S. Paulo, Brazil), analysed by an intangible cultural heritage inventory. | 12/05/2015 | ** |
Perugia (Italia) - 3 – 10 maggio 2012 Participation to the panel Centrality of the margins and new kind of citizenship with the lecture The differentiation of the Brazilian peasantry and its struggles for citizenship. | 10/05/2012 | ** |
Bologna (Italia) - 5 – 7 maggio 2012 Participation in the sessions regarding family budget. See the full seminary programme | 05/05/2012 | ** |
Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) - June 11-14, 2009 The paper, It was one of us. Land and economy among the lower Amazon caboclo peasant is available in the LASA site. Download. | 09/06/2011 | *** |
Roma (Italia) - 4-7 luglio 2011 Course "Le Relazioni Istituzionali: conoscere l’iter legislativo regionale e locale per un’attenta e puntuale attività di lobbying sul territorio". ActionAid provided the course. Participation certificate. | 07/07/2011 | * |
Instituto Socioambiental - ISA - 9 de agosto de 2010 | 09/08/2010 | * |
Torino (Italia) - 5-9 luglio 2010 Summer Academy “Migrazioni italiane nella glocalizzazione”, organizzato dal Centro Altreitalie. More information here (in Italian). Participation certificate. | 09/07/2010 | ** |
Instituto Socioambiental - ISA - 8 de setembro de 2010 Complete proposal title: Food security and sustainable development in Brazil, and, in particular, among the indigenous and traditional people of Xingu and Ribeira basins, by the conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources. | 08/09/2010 | ** |
Perugia (Italia) - 6-12 maggio 2008 The paper will be published in the Congress proceedings. | 06/05/2008 | ** |
Belo Horizonte, MG (Brasil) - 1-4 de junho de 2008 Paper: A meliponicultura comunitária no Baixo Amazonas, Pará (.pdf/PT) and slides (.pdf/PT/22Mb). | 01/06/2008 | ** |
Santarém, PA (Brasil) - 8-9 de novembro de 2007 Visit the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Rural Sustentável page. | 08/11/2007 | * |
Brasília, DF (Brasil) - 4-7 de outubro de 2007 | 04/10/2007 | ** |
Novara (Italia) - October 11, 2002 Other speakers: Bruna Peyrot e Adriano Ciocca Vasino. Visit the La Nuova Regaldi web site. | 11/10/2002 | ** |
Washington, DC (USA) - September 6-8, 2001 Paper: Movimento Sem Terra and migrations, in English and in Italian. | 06/09/2001 | *** |
Milano (MI) - 23 ottobre 2024. | 23/10/2024 | * |
Roma (RM) - 14 maggio 2019. | 14/05/2019 | ** |