The sessions of the International Americanistic Studies Congress are published: among them, one regarding quilombo I proposed. Below the session abstract. The Circolo Amerindiano has organized the Congress for 38 years. This…
Tag: quilombos
“Quilombo e maroons of America” session programme
[:en] Within the XXXVIII INTERNATIONAL AMERICANISTIC STUDIES CONGRESS Friday, May the 6th, 8.30 am Sala del Consiglio Comunale, Palazzo dei Priori, Corso Vannucci 19 – Perugia, Italy Session “Quilombos and maroons of…
Incentives and obstacles in the conservation of Euterpe edulis Mart. in quilombolas communities from Ribeira Valley
This paper analyzes the results of an Atlantic Forest enriched with seeds from palm juçara in Quilombo Communities in the Ribeira Valley – SP and the difficulties and bottlenecks involved in implementing…
The differentiation of the Brazilian peasantry and its struggles for citizenship (podcast and proceedings)
Intervento presentato al XXXIV Convegno Internazionale di Americanistica, nella sessione: 19. Centralità dei margini e nuove forme di cittadinanza, coordinata dal Prof. João Pacheco de Oliveira e dal Prof. Roberto Malighetti. Registrazione…
The differentiation of the Brazilian peasantry and its struggles for citizenship
Intervento presentato al XXXIV Convegno Internazionale di Americanistica, nella sessione: 19. Centralità dei margini e nuove forme di cittadinanza, coordinata dal Prof. João Pacheco de Oliveira e dal Prof. Roberto Malighetti. Diversità…
Landraces fair boosts quilombola peasants union
Translated from the news appeared on the Instituto Socioambiental website. The Feira de Troca de Sementes e Mudas Tradicionais [Fair of Landraces Exchange] presented this year more than 100 etnovarieties of landraces…
Tradicional seeds
Tradicional seeds of the quilombolas villages of the Ribeira valley. André Lopes village, Eldorado, São Paulo state, Brazil. 2008. Author: Luca Fanelli