This paper analyzes the results of an Atlantic Forest enriched with seeds from palm juçara in Quilombo Communities in the Ribeira Valley – SP and the difficulties and bottlenecks involved in implementing…
Tag: vale do ribeira
Landraces fair boosts quilombola peasants union
Translated from the news appeared on the Instituto Socioambiental website. The Feira de Troca de Sementes e Mudas Tradicionais [Fair of Landraces Exchange] presented this year more than 100 etnovarieties of landraces…
IV Vale do Ribeira’s Research Seminar
Presenting two posters at the IV Seminário de Pesquisa do Vale do Ribeira: Fanelli, Luca; Pasinato, Raquel. Sementes tradicionais em comunidades quilombolas do Vale do Ribeira (SP) [Landraces in quilombola villages of…